NPE activity was light in July.* Frequent filers included Consolidated Transaction Processing, Innovaport, Patent Armory, S3G Technology and Symbology.

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful database. Docket Navigator is a valuable resource, and the place to go if you want to keep track of new patent litigation filings or want to know what is happening in particular cases, how your judge has historically handled a particular type of motion, or a particular plaintiff’s litigation history. Finally, please let me know if you have thoughts about the report or changes you would like to see. I am preparing it as a service for retailers and their supply chain who may want an overview of the patent litigation landscape. So, I am very open to your suggestions for improving the report.

* Note I am catching up on a backlog because of some very busy IP litigation over the last year or so.

Consolidated Transaction Processing LLC v. Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (N.D. Ill.).

Judge:             District Judge John F. Kness

Claims:           Infringement

Defendant:     Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

Plaintiff:         Consolidated Transaction Processing LLC

Pls. Cnsl:        Devlin Law Firm

Patents:          8,396,743 (Sending targeted product offerings based on personal information); 8,712,846 (Sending targeted product offerings based on personal information)

Innovaport LLC v. Walmart Inc. (W.D. Wis.).

Claims:           Infringement

Defendant:     Walmart Inc.

Plaintiff:         Innovaport LLC

Pls. Cnsl:        Boyle Fredrickson

Patent:            8,775,260 (Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store); 8,787,933 (Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store); 9,489,690 (Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store); 9,990,670 (Apparatus and method for providing product location information to customers in a store)

Patent Armory Inc. v. Booking Holdings Inc. f/k/a Priceline Group Inc. (D. Del., W.D. Tex.).

Claims:           Infringement


  • Booking Holdings Inc. f/k/a Priceline Group Inc.
  • Pinterest, Inc. 
  • Quora, Inc.  
  • Reddit, Inc. 
  • Snap Inc. 

Plaintiff:         Patent Armory Inc.

Pls. Cnsl:        Phillips McLaughlin & Hall; Rabicoff Law

Patents:          10,237,420 (Method and system for matching entities in an auction); 10,491,748) Intelligent communication routing system and method); 7,023,979 (Telephony control system with intelligent call routing); 7,269,253 (Telephony control system with intelligent call routing); 9,456,086 (Method and system for matching entities in an auction); 8,831,205 (Intelligent communication routing)

S3G Technology LLC v. Carter’s, Inc. (W.D. Tex., E.D. Tex.).

Judges:           District Judge Alan D. Albright; District Judge Rodney Gilstrap; Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne

Claims: Infringement


  • Carter’s, Inc.
  • Five Below, Inc.

Plaintiff:         S3G Technology LLC

Pls. Cnsl:        Parker Bunt & Ainsworth

Patents:          10,387,140 (Modification of terminal and service provider machines using an update server machine); 8,572,571 (Modification of terminal and service provider machines using an update server machine); 9,940,124 (Modification of terminal and service provider machines using an update server machine); 9,304,758 (Modification of terminal and service provider machines using an update server machine)

Symbology Innovations, LLC v. The B-12 Store, LLC (E.D. Tex.).

Claims:           Infringement

Defendant:     The B-12 Store, LLC

Plaintiff:         Symbology Innovations, LLC

Pls. Cnsl:        Garteiser Honea

Patents:          7,992,773 (System and method for presenting information about an object on a portable electronic device); 8,424,752 (System and method for presenting information about an object on a portable electronic device); 8,651,369 (System and method for presenting information about an object on a portable device); 8,936,190 (System and method for presenting information about an object on a portable electronic device)

Virtual Creative Artists, LLC v. Snap Inc. (N.D. Ill.).

Judge:             District Judge Virginia M. Kendall

Claims:           Infringement

Defendant:     Snap Inc.

Plaintiff:         Virtual Creative Artists, LLC

Pls. Cnsl:        Direction IP Law

Patents:          10,339,576 (Revenue-generating electronic multi-media exchange and process of operating same); 9,477,665 (Revenue-generating electronic multi-media exchange and process of operating same); 9,501,480 (Revenue-generating electronic multi-media exchange and process of operating same)