The trolls became drastically more active in April, with a large cluster of filings in the days before the Senate’s patent reform bill would have made patent reform retroactive to.  Of course, the reform legislation that seemed so certain died in the Senate.  Repeat filers included Antennatech, c4cast, Clear With Computers, Eclipse IP, eDekka, GPNE,

June was another active month with Eclipse IP, Intellectual Ventures, UbiComm, NeoMedia, Landmark Technology and LBS Innovations all filing suits.  Smart Search Concepts also filed a number of suits regarding searching technologies. 

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful database.  Docket Navigator is a valuable resource,

Like April, May saw a few large filings.  Data Carriers sued about twenty retailers Ubicomm also hit about twenty retailers.  Additionally, NeoMedia, Blue Calypso and Landmark Technology also filed suits.  Of particular interest, Neiman Marcus filed a declaratory judgment suit against a patent holder that sent a cease and desist letter, but refused to identify

April saw a couple of large filings.  Princeton Digital Image asserted its JPEG rendering patent against more than 25 retailers.  Innovative Wireless Solutions sued a group of more than forty retailers and hospitality companies.  Eclipse IP, NeoMedia, c4cast, and Orientview also filed cases.

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket