As a step in carrying out President Obama’s effort to curb abusive patent troll litigation, the Patent Office has created a valuable resource center for targets of patent troll suits and demand letters, although they refer to it as “abusive patent litigation.” The site has considerable value for retailers, both those facing their first
Retail is Troll’s Hardest Hit Non-Tech Sector
By R. David Donoghue on
Posted in Industry Issues, Patent Trolls
Santa Clara Law Professor Colleen Chien recently wrote an interesting article on Patently-O discussing some key patent troll statistics in light of President Obama’s troll comments and the new SHIELD Act. Here are some of the key takeaways for retailers:
- In 2012, trolls filed 62% of patent litigations – 2,921 of 4,701 suits.
- Retailers are
President Obama Addresses the Patent Troll “Problem”
By R. David Donoghue on
Posted in Industry Issues, Patent Trolls
With a hat tip to Dennis Crouch at Patently-O, President Obama recently addressed the patent troll “problem” as part of a Google Fireside Hangout. The patent troll question and the President’s answer start shortly after the 16:00 mark of the following video:
President Obama’s answer is straightforward and focused upon addressing the problem. …