September saw an uptick in troll filings, as you would expected as children get back to school and summer vacations end.  There were a number of the usual suspects — Activsion TV, Cronos, MacroSolve, Cascades Branding and Eclipse IP.

 As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful

February looked a lot like January. Many of the same trolls remained active, including: Express Card and EMG Technology. And the frequent fliers remained busy: Princeton Digital and ArrivalStar. ArrivalStar, who used to focus on service providers, has turned much more directly toward retailers.

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using

The trolls took it easy for the holidays.  A few frequent fliers stayed busy:  Eclipse IP, Landmark, Lodsys, MacroSolve, Pragmatus, Clear With Computers, and Cronos. 

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful database.  Docket Navigator is a valuable resource, and the place to go if you

October was a relatively quiet month.  A few regular trolls filed, including Eclipse IP, Maxim, Landmark, ArrivalStar and TQP. 

As usual, I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful database.  Docket Navigator is a valuable resource, and the place to go if you want to keep track of new

Once again, June was a quieter month, with a few frequent flier trolls, including Unified Messaging Solutions, CardSoft and MacroSolve, filing additional suits. 

I prepared the report in partnership with and using Docket Navigator and its powerful database.  Docket Navigator is a valuable resource, and the place to go if you want to keep track

Similar to February, March saw some frequent flier trolls, including ArrivalStar, Landmark Technology, Maxim Integrated Products, Round Rock Research, and Select Retrieval, filing additional suits.  And there were some less frequent trolls that filed large numbers of cases this month, including Ameranth, Execware, MacroSolve, Patent Group, Soverain Software, and Unified Messaging Solutions. 

As usual, I

Similar to January, February saw some frequent flier trolls, including ArrivalStar, Landmark Technology, Maxim Integrated Products, Round Rock Research, and Select Retrieval, filing additional suits.  And there were some less frequent trolls that filed large numbers of cases this month, including Ameranth, Execware, MacroSolve, Patent Group, Soverain Software, and Unified Messaging Solutions. 

As usual, I