Chicago-based Intellectual Property Exchange (“IPXI”) plans to offer its first patent family for purchase via what IPXI calls unit license rights.  Any entity will be able to purchase unit license rights that allow it to use the patent technologies — in this case, a portfolio of approximately 600 patents — a set number of times. 

Vermont has passed a bill, which the Governor is expected to sign into law (H.299) called “Bad Faith Assertions of Patent Infringements”  — hat tip to Eric Goldman for identifying the law. Instead of defining bad faith assertions, it provides factors that may identify bad faith assertions, including:

  1. Failing to identifying the patent(s)-at-issue;

The SHIELD Act — Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes — is back.  The SHIELD Act was originally introduced in the last Congress and would have awarded costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees, to a prevailing defendant when, upon completion of the case, a Court held that the patentholder’s case had not had a reasonable

With a hat tip to Dennis Crouch at Patently-O, President Obama recently addressed the patent troll “problem” as part of a Google Fireside Hangout.  The patent troll question and the President’s answer start shortly after the 16:00 mark of the following video:

President Obama’s answer is straightforward and focused upon addressing the problem.  

The Wall Street Journal continues its focus on the patent troll problem with a provocative article by columnist Holly Finn: A Patently Obvious Problem.  Finn notes the amazing growth the U.S. has seen in issued patents – 70,000 U.S. patents issued in 1977 compared to almost 250,000 in 2011.  Finn provides a succinct description of